Two sample proportion test

What is Two sample proportion test?

A two sample proportion test is a statistical test used to determine whether two populations have the same proportion of a certain characteristic or attribute.

In this test, we compare the proportions of a particular characteristic in two independent samples. The null hypothesis is that the proportions are equal, and the alternative hypothesis is that they are not equal. We then calculate the test statistic and use it to calculate the p-value, which represents the probability of observing a test statistic as extreme or more extreme than the one calculated under the null hypothesis.

When to use Two sample proportion test?

A two sample proportion test is a hypothesis test used to compare two proportions from two independent groups or samples. It is used to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the proportions of two populations with respect to a certain characteristic.

Here are some situations where you might use a two sample proportion test:

  • Medical research: Suppose you are testing a new medication that is designed to reduce the risk of heart disease. You might conduct a two sample proportion test to compare the proportion of patients who develop heart disease in a treatment group (who receive the medication) and a control group (who do not receive the medication).
  • Market research: Suppose you are conducting a survey to determine customer satisfaction with two different brands of a product. You might use a two sample proportion test to compare the proportion of customers who are satisfied with each brand.
  • Quality control: Suppose you are testing the quality of two different manufacturing processes to determine which one produces more defective products. You might use a two sample proportion test to compare the proportion of defective products produced by each process.

In general, a two sample proportion test is appropriate when you want to compare the proportions of two populations or groups with respect to a particular characteristic, and you have independent samples from each population.

Guidelines for correct usage of Two sample proportion test

  • Collect random samples to make inferences about the population.
  • Use 2 categories of data, such as pass/fail or 1/0.
  • Ensure that each observation is independent from the others to obtain valid results.
  • Determine an appropriate sample size to achieve precision, narrow confidence intervals, and protection against errors.
  • Use Power and Sample Size for 2 Proportions to determine the sample size for your hypothesis test.

Alternatives: When not to use Two sample proportion test

  • If your dataset consists of counts, like the number of defects per unit, it is appropriate to use the 2-Sample Poisson Rate test.

Example of Two sample proportion test?

To assess whether male or female undergraduate students are more likely to obtain a summer job, a university financial aid officer selects a sample of students. Out of 802 male students sampled, 725 obtain a job during the summer, while 573 out of 712 female students sampled obtain a job. The financial aid officer uses a 2 proportions test to evaluate which gender is more likely to obtain a summer job. She has performed the test in following steps:

  1. Now, she analyzes the data with the help of
  2. Inside the tool, she feeds the data. She puts number of events in sample 1 as 725, number of trials in sample 1 as 802, number of events in sample 2 as 573, number of trials in sample 2 as 712, hypothesized difference as 0 and confidence level as 95.
  3. After using the above mentioned tool, she fetches the output as follows:

How to do Two sample proportion test

The guide is as follows:

  1. Login in to QTools account with the help of
  2. On the home page, you can see Two sample proportion test under Hypothesis Tests.
  3. Click on Two sample proportion test and reach the dashboard.
  4. Next, update the data manually or can completely copy (Ctrl+C) the data from excel sheet and paste (Ctrl+V) it here.
  5. Next, you need to put the values of number of events, number of trials, hypothesized proportion and confidence level.
  6. Finally, click on calculate at the bottom of the page and you will get desired results.

On the dashboard of Two sample proportion test, the window has only left part.

In this left part, there are many options present as follows:

  • Number of events: In a one sample proportion test, the number of events refers to the number of occurrences of the event of interest in the sample being analyzed.
  • Number of trials: In a one sample proportion test, the number of trials refers to the number of independent, identical trials or observations made on the sample being analyzed.
  • Hypothesized difference: The hypothesized difference refers to the difference in the population parameters between the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. For example, if we want to test whether the mean score on a test is significantly different between two groups (e.g., males and females), the hypothesized difference would be the difference between the mean score of males and the mean score of females.
  • Confidence level: In hypothesis testing, the confidence level represents the degree of certainty or level of confidence that we have in our statistical analysis. It is a probability value that indicates the likelihood that the true population parameter falls within the specified range of values. Typically, the confidence level is expressed as a percentage and is denoted by (1 - α), where α is the level of significance or the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. For example, if we have a confidence level of 95%, then we are saying that we are 95% confident that the true population parameter lies within our interval estimate, and there is a 5% chance of making a type I error (rejecting a true null hypothesis). In practical terms, a higher confidence level means that we are more confident in our statistical analysis and results. However, increasing the confidence level also increases the width of the confidence interval, making it more difficult to detect small effects. Therefore, the choice of the confidence level depends on the context of the study and the goals of the researcher.
  • Alternative hypothesis: In hypothesis testing, the alternative hypothesis (also called the research hypothesis) is a statement that represents a different conclusion than the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis typically represents the status quo or the assumption that there is no significant difference or relationship between two or more groups or variables. The alternative hypothesis is the statement that is being tested, and it proposes that there is a significant difference or relationship between the groups or variables being studied.
  • Method:
    • Estimate the proportions separately: To estimate the proportions separately in a two sample proportion test, you need to first collect data from two independent samples and calculate the proportion of successes (or the event of interest) for each sample.
    • Use the pooled estimate of the proportion: In a two sample proportion test, the pooled estimate of the proportion is a weighted average of the proportions from the two samples, assuming that the true proportions in the populations are equal. This estimate is used to calculate the test statistic and determine whether the difference in proportions between the two samples is statistically significant.